ARTHRA is the institutional repository of „Dunărea de Jos“ University of Galați and makes the university scientific output freely available. The digital documents submitted in ARTHRA are also indexed in Google Scholar and they are automatically included in the researcher profile from GS. ARTHRA ensures preservation and management of documents and provides access to: articles of the academic community published in the annals of the university, doctoral theses and abstracts submitted in the university, conference papers/presentations, educational materials (tutorials, library guides), references, papers of library staff. The information retrieval in ARTHRA returns the results of the full content of all documents. For the time being, ARTHRA is included in Duraspace, OpenDOAR and Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).

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Bachelor Degree. Dissertation - Licențe. Disertații [3330]
Doctoral School - Școala doctorală [993]
Educational Resources - Resurse educaționale [15]
Galati University Press (Books) - Editura Universității (Cărți) [16]
Library - Biblioteca [186]