Now showing items 3-14 of 14

    • Electrochemical Modifications of Titanium and Titanium Alloys Surface for Biomedical Applications-A Review 

      Mardare, Eliza; Benea, Lidia; Bounegru, Iulian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      The field of biomaterials requires the input of knowledge from very different areas such as biology, medicine and engineering so that the implanted material in a living body to not induce any adverse impacts. The paper ...
    • Fem Analysis of the Spur Gears Press-Rolling Proces 

      Marian, Ionuț; Sas-Boca, Monica; Rus, Luciana; Suciu, Ramona-Crina; Tintelecan, Marius; Noveanu, Dan; Nistor, Liviu (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      This paper presents the FEM (finite element method) analysis of the pressingrolling process, a new method for obtaining spur gears. Using symmetries, the 3D geometrical model was created for tools and for the initial ...
    • Improvement of Properties of Heavy Plates by Secondary Steelmaking Technologies and Rolling Conditions 

      Munteanu, Viorel; Bodor, Marius (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      In order to obtain the mechanical and technological characteristics required for controlled rolled plates it is necessary to realize a very low content of sulphur by desulphurized mixtures using CaO-Al2O3-CaF2 and injection ...
    • Metallic matrix Composites with Ceramic Particles Wetting Conditions 

      Neagu, G.; Ștefănescu, Fl.; Mihai, A.; Stan, I.; Odagiu, I. (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      The paper presents the main aspects regarding the mixtures obtained made up from aluminium melts and different kinds of ceramic particles (silicon carbide and boron carbide). Synthetically discussed are the wetting ...
    • Methods of Protection of National Architecture Monuments 

      Croitoru, Gh.; Colesnic, Ig. (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      The paper discusses the problem of monuments conservation in terms of technical implementation and based on the importance of conservation of historical content, and it helps to skillfully handle the complicated untypical ...
    • Quality Surface Analysis for Polarized Grid Plasma Nitriding 

      Axinte, Mihai; Perju, Manuela-Cristian; Nejneru, Carmen; Hopulele, Ion; Cimpoeșu, Iulian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      For the study regarding the effect of the polarized grid a prototype plasma nitriding facility was used. A polarized grid was placed inside the working chamber, into the space between the anode and cathode, a negative ...
    • R.N.U.R. Method of Risk Assessment Based on Ergonomic Criteria. Case Study: Crane Maintenance Electrician 

      Vasiliu, Adrian; Bordei, Marian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      This paper presents a case study on the evaluation of a job (electrical maintenance) in AMG plant through a less used method in Romania, respectively Renault method, used especially in France. Means of work are analyzed ...
    • Regeneration of Used Engine Lubrication Oil by Solvent Extraction. The Solvent Influence on Oil Ratio 

      Sterpu, Ancaelena Eliza; Dumitru, Anca Iuliana; Neagu, Anișoara Arleziana (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      Huge amounts of used lubricating oils from automotive sources are disposed of as a harmful waste into the environment. For this reason, means to recover and reuse these wastes need to be found. Problems arising from acid ...
    • Structure-Property Correlation of Composite Materials Based on Cu-Mo obtained by PVD Method 

      Orac, Lucica; Grechanyuc, Vera; Mitoșeriu, Olga; Constantinescu, Stela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      The paper describes reviews referring to determination of working parameters of the development processes of composites in copper matrix, by vapour-phase deposition method. The molybdenum was used as complementary phase. ...
    • The Analysis of a Workplace from an Ergonomically Criterion. Case Study: Preliminary Charge 

      Vasiliu, Adrian; Bordei, Marian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      This paper presents a practical method of analyzing a wokplace from an ergonomically criterion based on an "ergonomic analysis questionnaire", and, also, the conclusions and proposed measures in order to improve the ...
    • The behaviour of Acid Slag in the Tundish 

      Ittu, Sînziana; Mogoș, Paul Petruș (Universitatea "Dunărea de Galați, 2013)
      In the tundish, purification of steel is given by the use of an oxide powder on the steel surface. This powder perform several important functions, such as thermal insulation, protection against liquid steel surface ...
    • The Pre-Biblical Metallurgical ART on the Biblical Territory 

      Moisa, Strul; Wenkert, Rodica (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)
      The Old Testament describes in detail the metallurgical achievements, both in the period before the conquest and colonization of the promised land (mostly related to the manufacturing of the Tabernacle, in this sense, ...