Emphasizing the Toxicity of Heavy Metal ions on Plants: Monitoring with an Amino Acids Assay

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Pintilie, Olga
Zaharia, Marius
Tudorachi, Lucia
Băncilă, Sabina
Drochioiu, Gabi
Sandu, Ion
In order to emphasize modifications on living organisms resulted from
interaction with heavy metals, we applied a simple, sensitive, quick, inexpensive
and reproducible method. It evaluates modifications through determining released
amino acids. This method comprises three stages: treating plants with the
investigated heavy metals, extracting resulted amino acids and dosing them with a
ninhydrin reagent. The colored solution resulted from ninhydrin dosing is
spectrophotometrically measured at 516nm. The Lambert-Beer law is valid within
the concentration field of 0-20 μg mL–1.
- 2014 fascicula9 nr1 [13]