Afișează articolele 992-1011 of 5827

    • Clasa 3: 34 Drept. Jurisprudenta 

      Ursachi, Lenuta (2014-12-19)
    • Clasa 5 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clasa 6: 61 Medicina 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clasa 6: 62 Inginerie. Tehnică în general 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clasa 6: 63/69 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clasa 7 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clasa 8 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clasa 9 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clase speciale de numere intregi 

      CIOBOTARU, Mihaela (2021)
    • Clasele 0-2 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Clasic versus online în predarea geometriei euclidiene 

      Împăratu, Teodora (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2021-07-01)
    • Classification Process in a Text Document Recommender System 

      Munteanu, Dan; Bumbaru, Severin ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2005)
      This paper presents the classification process in a recommender system used for textual documents taken especially from web. The system uses in the classification process a combination of content filters, event filters and ...
    • Clay/Epoxy Composites 

      Cîrciumaru, Adrian; Bîrsan, Iulian-Gabriel; Bria, Vasile; Postolache, Ion (Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2009)
      Fillers are generally used to decrease the costs of a composite material but they are changing also some of composite’s properties due to their physical properties, their dimensions and their shapes. Filled polymer could ...
    • Climatul investițional în Republica Moldova 

      Pînzari I., Olesea (Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2021-07-12)
    • Cloud ERP and Cloud Accounting Software in Romania 

      Mihai, Gianina (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      Nowadays, Cloud Computing becomes a more and more fashionable concept in the IT environment. There is no unanimous opinion on the definition of this concept, as it covers several versions of the newly emerged stage in ...
    • Cluster Economic Performance Concept – Present Experiences and Future Developments 

      Biriescu, Simona (Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2010-01)
      Cluster-based economic development has become an increasingly popular topic for researchers and economic development professionals. Clusters are groups of companies and institutions co-located in a specific geographic region ...
    • Coandă Effect Used to Improve the Efficiency of a Rotary Wing Aircraft 

      Cîrciu, Ionică (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
      Coandă effect is a well-known fluid mechanics phenomenon in which a jet flow attaches itself to a nearby surface and remains attached even when the surface bends away from the initial jet direction and the jet is deflected ...
    • Coating of the Lasting Moulds with Hard Alloys 

      Dima, Ovidiu (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
      This paper presents the researches on the welded coating of lasting moulds used for casting at high melting temperatures. It shows that the coating through the flux welding with the addition of metal powders and graphite ...
    • Coatings Systems: Chromium Carbide, Nitride and Carbonitride 

      Constantinescu, Stela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2005)
      The process of the chemical deposition from vaporous implies the adsorption of the mobile atoms (monomers) on the substrate surface, their migration with embryos and stable nucleus formation, followed up by further growth ...
    • Codul european al bunei conduite administrative și dezvoltarea capacității administrative 

      Gheorghiță, Gabriela Aurelia (Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati, 2021-07-19)