Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2769-2788 of 5825
Kinetoterapie de recuperare în leziunile nervilor periferici ai membrului superior
(Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2020-07-20) -
Knowledge Analysis in Terms of Representation, Processing based Mobilisation and Distribution
(Europlus Galati, 2012-03)Understanding, defining and using knowledge can be based on a number of many approaches, such as the synthesis of Knowledge Management Systems, Knowledge Agents, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Organizational Semantic ... -
Knowledge and innovation : The Road to competitivity
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2009-01)The central idea around which this essay is built is that knowledge, as an appreciating asset, intellectual capital and investment in education is becoming a dominant reality in the new economics and knowledge-based society. ... -
Knowledge Based Diagnostic System With Probabilistic Approach
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2007)This paper presents a knowledge learning diagnostic approach implemented in an educational system. Probabilistic inference is used here to diagnose knowledge understanding level and to reason about probable cause of learner’s ... -
The Knowledge Economy
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2009-01)We are living through a period of profound change and transformation of the shape of society and its underlying economic base .The nature of production, trade, employment and work in the coming decades will be very ... -
Knowledge Economy and the Necessity of Knowledge Management
(Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2010-01)This paper tries to present an existing relation between knowledge economy and knowledge management. We started by emphasizing the main principles of knowledge society and the consequences that determine the movement to ... -
Knowledge Management in the Competitive Control of Food Manufacturing
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2014)Food industry is considered as one of the knowledge-intensive sectors explained by its considerable amount of knowledge input, short life cycles of product, high customized products demand and significant production value. ... -
Knowledge Management System and User Modeling
(Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2011-01) -
Koha - un sistem integrat de bibliotecă open source
(Anuarul ştiinţific al Bibliotecii "V. A. Urechia", 2014) -
Koha, un proiect colaborativ viabil
(2016) -
Koha, un proiect colaborativ viabil la BUDJG
(Axis Libri, 2016) -
(Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2021-07) -
Kuhn's Hungarian Algorithm using a Commercial Network of Wholesale Warehouses and Retail Stores
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)Econometrics is a discipline that can be used for decision profitability. To this end, using Kuhn's algorithm, we analyzed the profitability problem for chain stores. An econometric model shows the economic relationships ... -
L'évolution des logos des universités françaises
(2021-07-02) -
L'Organisation et le fonctionnement du gouvernement de la Grande Bretagne et de 'Espagne
(Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)Le Royaume Uni et l’Espagne sont deux de les plus importantes monarchies européens. La premier pays est une monarchie constitutionelle où le pouvoir exécutif est atribuée au Gouvernement-Le Cabinet, nomé Le Gouvernement ... -
La circonstance temporelle et son expression linguistique
(Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos”, 2020-07-06) -
La clause resolutiire, une veritable sanction pour l'inexecution du contrat
(Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)La clause résolutoire est une convention par laquelle les contractants sanctionnent l’inexécution par la résolution du contrat, en subordonnant à l’inexécution l’attribution au créancier de l’obligation du droit de résoudre ... -
La Configuration de l'univers textuel : Coherence et cohesion
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006-01)To acquire the skill of writing, be it in a foregin language or not, imposes it on the learner to acquire the competence of formal communication, which is accessible only during classes, through a continuous contact with ... -
La constitution d’un glossaire terminologique de la cinématographie
(Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, 2021-07-02)