Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Integrating Environmental Concerns Into Design 

      Haraga, Georgeta; Goanță, Adrian Mihai; Ghelase, Daniela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2014)
      This article focuses on the product design and the role played by environmental concerns over the life cycle. In this case, 3D modeling of a wooden ironing board by using CATIA is proposed. Thus, to evaluate design all ...
    • Using CAD Sistems in Ecodesign 

      Haraga, Georgeta; Ghelase, Daniela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2012)
      This paper has as principal objective to point out the aspects related to ecodesign and 3D modelling of a trolley for firewood that can be realised using CAD systems. From these, the CATIA program has been chosen. The ...