• Sonar Target Localization Based on Spike Coded Spectrograms 

      Peremans, Herbert; Fontaine, Bertrand ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2006)
      Target location is coded into the pattern of spikes that run up the auditory nerve to the bat's brain. Realistic scenes containing multiple, closely spaced, reflectors give rise to complex echo signals consisting of multiple ...
    • Transducer-Shape Optimization for Angle Estimation of a Broadbrand Monaural Sonar System 

      Reijniers, Jonas; Peremans, Herbert ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2004)
      In this paper we describe a procedure for the search of the optimal trans-ducer geometry for a monaural, broadband sonar system. We restrict ourselves to a simple transducer morphology that can be technologically realized: ...