Browsing by Author "Voncilă, Elena"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
An Analysis of Regimes of Parallel Generators Operation in Wind Turbine System
Voncilă, Elena; Costin, Mădălin; Voncilă, Ion; Nechita, Cristian; Fetecău, Grigore (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2011-07)The parallel connection of different types of AC generators, used as example in isolated sites, represents a difficult problem due to the different particularities of the that generators involved. This paper analyses the ... -
Development of Wind Turbine Systems with Parallel Connections of Different Types Generators
Costin, Mădălin; Voncilă, Elena; Voncilă, Ion; Nichita, Cristian; Fetecău, Grigore ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2011) -
Optimal Control for Electric Vehicle Stabilization
Găiceanu, Marian; Voncilă, Elena; Bihosu, Răzvan ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2010)This main objective of the paper is to stabilize an electric vehicle in optimal manner to a step lane change maneuver. To define the mathematical model of the vehicle, the rigid body moving on a plane is taken into ... -
Studii si contribuții privind integrarea sistemelor de stocare a energiei electrice utilizate pe vehicule autonome
Voncilă, Elena (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2012)Comunitatea internationala sustine dezvoltarea surselor alternative de energie si a industriei vehiculelor hibride si electrice, in vederea ameliorarii efectelor negative ale transportului conventional. Pentru ca vehiculele ...