• From CRM to Social CRM and FRM 

      Enache, Maria Cristina; Novac Ududec, Cornelia; Sbughea, Corina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2016)
      C-R-M stands for Customer Relationship Management. At its simplest, a CRM system allows businesses to manage business relationships and the data and information associated with them. While a CRM system may not elicit as ...
    • Healthcare Services Employees Perception about Staff Motivation 

      Micu, Angela-Eliza; Garden, Daniel Adrian; Garden (Geangu), Iuliana Petronela (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      Motivation of healthcare employees represents a very complex task due to the specific context that is present in the field of healthcare services. In this field the staff motivation is built upon a mix of factors both ...
    • How the Projects Implemented by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration Have Impacted on the Strategies to Reform Public Administration 

      Mihăilescu, Mădălina-Elena (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2016)
      In Romania, the process to reform the administration is a mere mirage, similar to a Morgana, endlessly debated upon but little attained, especially through the perspective of the aims set by all the actors entrusted with ...
    • The Implications of Climate Changes over Agriculture 

      Chiriţă, Mioara; Şarpe, Daniela Ancuţa (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      Climate change presents a great importance in all sectors of the economy, but the agricultural sector is directly influenced by them. These changes have different causes and effects, but the agriculture is known to be a ...
    • Implications of IFRS Adoption on Balance-Sheet vs Income Statement Figures 

      Burcă, Valentin (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      On the last two decades, financial reporting area has suffered lot of changes in order to respond properly to the dynamics of the economic system characterized by continuous process of globalization, international ...
    • Inclusive Effects of Supporting Policies for Social Economy in Europe 

      Vîrlănuță, Florina Oana (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      Massive layoffs caused by the global economic crisis required the evaluation of the effectiveness of active measures to promote employability. The strategy "Europe 2020 for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth" became ...
    • The Influence of Corporate Governance and Ownership Concentration on Company Performance - Evidence from Bucharest Stock Exchange 

      Mihai, Iuliana Oana (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)
      The main purpose of this study was to explore whether the current corporate governance mechanisms have an impact on the company’s performance in Romania. The importance of this study is given by the following reasons. ...
    • Influencing Factors of Rural Human Consumption in China 

      Qi Zhou, Jun Li; Zheng, Xiaoping; Moga, Liliana Mihaela; Neculiţă, Mihaela (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      The paper combines the social capital theory, the ordered choice model, and the case study in order to analyze the influence factors of the rural human consumption. The results show the presence of inverted U shape curve ...
    • International Accounting Convergence in the Field of Fair Value Measurement 

      Cozma Ighian, Diana (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      The investors’ desire for high-quality, internationally comparable financial information that is useful for decision-making in increasingly global capital markets imposed an international convergence, the ultimate goal ...
    • Interstate Economic Integration - Essential Characteristic of the Contemporary World Economy 

      Calinica, Ramona Mariana (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2016)
      After the Second World War, the world economy became more and more characterized by an intensification of economic relations between different countries. The complex and diverse problems that faced the states, have imposed ...
    • The IT Impact in Management Decision Making in Romanian Companies: A Case Study 

      Novac-Ududec, Cornelia (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      The aim of this paper is to present a case study regarding the information technologies impact in decision making process on the management of some Romanian companies. The main parameters which can define the IT impact ...
    • Kuhn's Hungarian Algorithm using a Commercial Network of Wholesale Warehouses and Retail Stores 

      Zamfir, Cristina Gabriela (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      Econometrics is a discipline that can be used for decision profitability. To this end, using Kuhn's algorithm, we analyzed the profitability problem for chain stores. An econometric model shows the economic relationships ...
    • The Life Satisfaction and the Quality of Life in Romania 

      Opait, Gabriela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2016)
      This article reflects a the statistical modeling of the values concerning the Life Satisfaction Index and the Quality of Life Index in Romania, through by means of the „Least Squares Method”. The Life Satisfaction reflects ...
    • The Major Obstacle to Economic Growth for EU Countries: Unequal Income Distribution 

      Zungun, Deniz; Ayvaz Guven, Emine Turkan; Vîrlănuță, Florina Oana; Onkan, Ozge (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      Price stability contributes to financial stability because it eliminates the market distortions and uncertainties which may occur at the markets’ level as a result of the price instability. Price stability can reduce the ...
    • Matlab Simulations of Dynamic Pricing on the Market of a Product Models 

      Sbughea, Corina (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      This paper aims to illustrate the dynamic models of prices adjustment on a product market, such as Kaldor classic model and Extended Kaldor model with adaptive expectations, using simulations achieved by Matlab programming ...
    • Measurement of Highly Qualified Employees Productivity 

      Tokarcikova, Emese (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)
      Nowadays all economies are more and more based on knowledge and information. Economists therefore are increasingly interested in the measurement of productivity of highly qualified employees. While in the case of other ...
    • Model of Analysis of Advertising Concerning its Social or Commercial Responsibility 

      Susanu, Irina Olimpia; Herăscu, Daniela; Schin, George (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      Advertising serves as a mod that shapes social and moral values of the viewer and therefore, due attention should be paid to ensure that the content is healthy, that it positively affects the viewer and the values that ...
    • Particularities of the “Individualism vs. Collectivism” Cultural Dimension in Galati County Business Environment 

      Gheorghe, Gabriela; Lukacs, Edit; Şarpe, Daniela; Lupaşc, Ioana (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      Starting from the results and determined statistical indicators on data collected as part of the COMOR Project, developed by The Scientific Society of Management from Romania, to characterize managerial behavior in ...
    • Public Service in Age of Globalization 

      Mihăilescu, Mădălina Elena (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      In democratic or democratizing systems government exists to fulfill functions such as maintaining security, providing public services and ensuring equal treatment under the law. So, there is no doubt that the public and ...
    • Quality Management Assessment Focus to Customers’ Satisfaction to Raiffeisen Bank Romania 

      Drăgoi, Violeta (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)
      Credit institutions have an important role in the economic and social development of a country because they represent the vital centers of an economic system, designed to identify the financial needs of the clients in ...