Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Optimal Control for Electric Vehicle Stabilization
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2010)
This main objective of the paper is to stabilize an electric vehicle in optimal
manner to a step lane change maneuver. To define the mathematical model of the
vehicle, the rigid body moving on a plane is taken into ...
Optimal Control Development System for Electrical Drives
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2008)
In this paper the optimal electrical drive development system is presented. It
consists of both electrical drive types: DC and AC. In order to implement the optimal
control for AC drive system an Altivar 71 inverter, a ...
Real-Time Optimal Control Using Particule Swarm Optimization
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2017)
Optimal Control Problems can be solved by a well known metaheuristic,
Particle Swarm Optimization. A version of this metaheuristic has been used to develop
an algorithm that solves such a problem. The solution can be ...
Optimal Control Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Optimal Control Problems involve dynamic systems that are subject to
algebraic or differential constraints and whose evolution may be characterized by a
performance index. Such a problem can be solved by the well known ...
The Optimal Control for D.C. Position Drive System
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2007)
A position drive system with D.C. motor is operated using conventional position, speed and current controls. These controls provide a good dynamic and steady-state behaviour, but they do not take in consideration the ...
Energetic Optimal Control of Adjustable Drive Systems
("Dunareade Jos" University of Galati, 2002)
In the paper is developed a new control strategy for the adjustable speed
drives. The strategy consists in the energetic optimal control of the dynamic regimes as
starting, stopping and reversing. The main developed ...
New Power Optimization Posssibilities
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2002)
In this paper there are given a few mathematical relations for the power
analysis in un-sinusoidal regime. If the voltage is sinusoidal and the current is unsinusoidal,
the apparent power will be ascertained by the active ...