Anzeige der Dokumente 1-10 von 230
Building Similarity Maps of the Environment Using Sonar Information for the Navigation of Mobile Robots
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2003)
The objective of the work is to present a representation called similarity map
based on some results in the evaluation of the SONAR system of a mobile robot. As
environment a corner of our lab it is considered. Based on ...
Vague Criteria Relational Database Queries
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2003)
The most accessible interfaces querying relational database should allow
vague terms included in selection criteria. The gradual property stands for the simplest
vague selection criterion, but more categories of vague ...
Detecting the Liquid core in Continuous Casting Slabs by Load Torque Estimation in Unbending Zone
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2002)
The development in continuous casting process has been strongly dominated
by the demands of quality improvement and reduced costs for steel products in recent
years. To achieve these goals consideration has been given ...
The Parametric Identification of a Stationary Process
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2003)
In the problems of identification it is supposed that the process has at least
one measurable input size and at least one measurable output size. The identification of
a process has three stages: the obtaining of a ...
Structure of Management Information in SNMP
In this article we present the Structure of Management Information from
SNMP, for all three versions of SNMP, as well as the main differences between them.
In the first part, two version of SNMP are presented: version ...
Analysis of Functional Stability of the Triphased Asynchronous Generator Used in Conversion Systems of a Eolian Energy Into Electric Energy
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2003)
This paper presents a study of the influence of the main perturbation agent
over the functional stability of the triphased asynchronous generator (for the two
alternative: with coiled and short circuit rotor), used for ...
The Behavior Of Asymmetric Frontal Couplings With Permanent Magnets In Magnetic Powder And High Temperature Environments
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2002)
The main purpose of this paper is the comparative analysis of the behavior of
frontal couplings with Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets in difficult environments, specific
to metallurgy – such as environments with magnetic powders ...
On Estimation of the Orientation of Mobele Robots Ising Turning Fuctions and Sonar Information
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2003)
SONAR systems are widely used by some artificial objects, e.g. robots, and
by animals, e.g. bats, for navigation and pattern recognition. The objective of this paper
is to present a solution on the estimation of the ...
Real Time wind Turbine Simulator Based on Frequency Controlled Servomotor
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2002)
This paper is a contribution to the development of a real time wind turbine
simulator. The simulator is designed to generate wind power on its shaft, and provide the
static and dynamic characteristics of a given turbine. ...
Numerical Treatment of some Complex Dynamic Processes of Saturated Induction Machine
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2002)
Three variants for the mathematical models of the saturated induction machine (the
exact one, the classical one and the simplified one) are used for the analysis of the reversal
process combined with one short mechanical ...