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dc.contributor.authorBulgaru (Ştefănescu), Diana
dc.descriptionRezumat teză de doctorat Conducător ştiinţific prof. dr. univ. Dumitru Luminiţaen_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aligns with the studies and research in the field of computer assisted instruction. This field, born to bridge the gap between the educational sciences and the engineering ones (informatics, artificial intelligence) has the aim of developing and integrating the computer-based systems of instruction into the teaching - learning process. The intense preoccupations in the computer assisted instruction as well as the ones in the side fields (philosophy, psychology, medicine, the educational sciences, sociology) have led to results which demonstrate the efficiency of these systems in the instruction process and gives validity to a lot of theories. The computer assisted instruction systems- “more or less intelligent”, complementary or replacements to (at least in a few aspects) the human teacher, inflexible or capable of adapting themselves to the student’s individual working rhythm and to his level of knowledge - are trying to offer solutions in order to make the instruction process effective. Thus, paraphrasing Einstein , the questions – “What is knowledge and what are its sources?”, ”What is learning?”, “What pedagogical strategy is recommended in a certain context of instruction in order to get the best possible results?”- are the same now as they were several hundred of years ago, but the answers to these questions are new now. The proposals, hypotheses, the theoretical and practical patterns are trying to find solutions to this query.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţien_US
dc.subjectstrategiile pedagogiceen_US
dc.subjectsubsistem al cunoştinţeloren_US
dc.titleContribuţii la realizarea unui subsistem al cunoştinţelor asupra tehnicilor şi strategiilor pedagogice într-un sistem de instruire asistată de calculatoren_US

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  • Rezumate teze de doctorat [833]
    Conține rezumatele tezelor de doctorat susținute în cadrul Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați

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