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dc.contributor.authorBuţurcă (Cristea), Anişoara-Gabriela
dc.descriptionUniversitatea " Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţien_US
dc.description.abstractStarting from the word optimal derived from the Latin optimus which means the best or the very best, or which provides the greatest economic efficiency, this work can be justified in the light of the attempt to obtain motivation, for a given problem in the best defined context. The optimization problem in mechanical engineering is based on the knowledge of the mechanical properties of materials and external actions in order to determine their geometric configuration and their mechanical condition. In the construction sector, the need to introduce processes of optimization occurs in many branches of activity. The optimization problem based on a mathematical model is a design tool as in the construction statics the tension method or the displacement method are tools for structural analysis of the behavior of deformable structures. To solve the optimization problem it is necessary to know the appropriate methods of calculation. The evolution of the optimization methods is stimulated by the existence of computers, of the need to improve the operation and working conditions simultaneously with the requirements of size and weight reduction of the construction.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea " Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţien_US
dc.subjectship structuresen_US
dc.subjectnumerical analysisen_US
dc.subjectparameters of calculationen_US
dc.titleContribuţii privind optimizarea structurilor de navăen_US
dc.title.alternativeContributions on ship structures optimizationen_US

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  • Rezumate teze de doctorat [798]
    Conține rezumatele tezelor de doctorat susținute în cadrul Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați

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