Contribuţii la realizarea sistemelor de informare inteligente
The approach of theme from this thesis entitled " Contribution to Developing the Intelligent Information Systems" starts with a daily social need to understand and to model better the human intelligence, creating a user profile by modelling its own interests on long-term, in order to customize searching on Internet, to assist in organizing information and share knowledge within a group with common interests.
What is intelligence, which are its own attributes, when, where and how did it appeared, or which are the major discrepancies between natural intelligence and the artificial one and how can be reduced the boundaries between those two, are few legitimate questions which deserve to be taken into account from the beginning, in the approaching of this theme.
It seems that the term of intelligence could not enjoy itself by a classical definition bounded of proximate gender and specific difference, not even after it became an object of science. Perhaps even the fact itself, that intelligence is not a material thing, but an abstract concept, made that this term to become so difficult of being defined.
A potential definition for the intelligence term, nevertheless accepted by the dictionaries of psychology, captures this term on a side as a real fact and on the other hand as being potential one, also it was emphasized as being a process or as being somebody's ability or capacity, or by being used also as a form or an attribute for the mental organization or for describing somebody's behaviour. (Paul Popescu - Neveanu, Dictionary of psychology).
Today scientists believe that the first step in the emergence of intelligence on Earth, happened when on the human evolution scale emerged homo sapiens sapiens, meaning the man who knows that he knows, or in other words, the man who has self-consciousness. He becomes a cognitive being, who is placed in a constant searching position of knowledge which often transcends the narrow boundaries of the universe in which he lives.
- Teze de doctorat [131]