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dc.contributor.authorNebunu (Ifrim), Mihaela-Alina
dc.descriptionTeză de doctorat - Conducător științific: Prof univ. dr. Michaela Praisleren_US
dc.description.abstractIt is common knowledge that the postmodern culture recycles the numerous symbols and myths of the universal library, rereading them and, most importantly, rewriting them. Aside from the written word, the permanent evolution of our society has brought forth a new need for extensive artistic manifestation, under the form of technological representations, texts being consumed now not only on paper, but also under the form of audio books, films, etc. In the context thus formulated, intertextuality is almost synonymous with postmodernism, as in their quest of accessing and transforming meaning, the postmodernists make the reader move between texts. In fact, in this constant association of texts, the postmodern reader becomes aware of the matrix of texts surrounding him/ her, consuming them with a constant feeling of déjà-vu, in the (hyper)reality of the globalized world.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațien_US
dc.subjectVirginia Woolf'sen_US
dc.titleVirginia Woolf's text as intertext from 1941 to the present dayen_US

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  • Teze de doctorat [131]
    Conține tezele de doctorat susținute în cadrul Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați

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