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dc.contributor.authorPâcleanu, Ana-Maria
dc.descriptionTeză de doctorat - Conducător științific Prof.univ.dr. Elena Croitoruen_US
dc.description.abstractLiterature is considered to be a form of art, but it can also be the illuminating element causing revolt as well as a powerful means of propaganda and manipulation. On the one hand, the subject matter and state of affairs illustrated by some writers make reference to, allude to, mock at or even criticise systems of authority and unravel the drawbacks of obeying them. On the other hand, literature can promote and support views, doctrine or ideology or just describe aspects referring to taboo subjects like politics, religion, social issues or eroticism. The intention of any kind of authority is “to safeguard their own power” over what reaches or is likely to reach the public (Müller in Müller 2004: 4). Consequently, it is common knowledge that texts with the aforementioned functions and features often require interventions from the authority. One of the most common forms of intervention practiced by holders of power is censorship (with its different forms). As regards censorship exercised in the literary field, in general, and in the case of literary translations, in particular, norms prove to be the key elements according to which controversial literature, translated into Romanian became adequate or acceptable in particular historical contexts.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațien_US
dc.titleTraducerea cuvintelor și structurilor controversate în perioadele pre-comunistă, comunistă și post-comunistă
dc.title.alternativeNot Only Taboo: Translating the 'Controversial' Before, During and After Communism

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  • Teze de doctorat [132]
    Conține tezele de doctorat susținute în cadrul Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați

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