Afișează articolele 361-380 of 1845

    • Are Components the Future of Web–Application Development? 

      Lupaşc, Adrian; Lupaşc, Ioana (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The software industry is still creating much of its product in a “monolithic” fashion. The products may be more modular and configurable than they used to be, but most projects cannot be said to be truly component based. ...
    • The Relationship Between Fuzzy Reasoning and its Temporal Characteristics for Knowledge Management 

      Mazilescu, Vasile; Șarpe, Daniela (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The knowledge management systems based on artificial reasoning (KMAR) tries to provide computers the capabilities of performing various intelligent tasks for which their human users resort to their knowledge and collective ...
    • The Convergence of Romanian Agricultural Policy With that of the European Union 

      Buhociu, Florin Marian; Vîrlănuță, Florina Oana; Moga, Liliana (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      One of the objectives of the Romanian agricultural strategy is the harmonization of Romanian agricultural policy with that of the European Union, that is, with the common agricultural policy. The success of the convergence ...
    • The Role of Public Relations in Social Responsibility of Romanian Enterprises 

      Cristache, Nicoleta (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The Excellence study has shown that public relations is an unique management function that helps an organisation interact with social and political components of its environment. These components make up the institutio ...
    • Romania’s Assent to the European Union – National Strategy 

      Hurjui, Ioan (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The historic context in which Romania’s steps regarding the assent into the communitarian structures are joined, can be placed under the sign of profound changes who interfered in the Romanian society after 1989 such as: ...
    • Postadheration Strategies of the Romanian Companies 

      Dumitriu, Ramona; Ştefănescu, Răzvan (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      This paper explores the Romanian enterprises preparations for the adheration to the European Union. It is based on an investigation among twenty executives in which they describe their measures to deal with the changes ...
    • Particulars of Leasing Contracts Entries According to IAS 17 

      Isai, Violeta (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      Leasing operations are today an efficient means for the leasing companies to sell long-term use goods under advantageous conditions of price and delivery terms while third companies become owners without outstanding ...
    • Romania’s Negotiations with European Union Regarding Agricultural Sector 

      Ionescu, Eduard (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The importance of negotiations considering the agricultural and alimentary sectors results, from the one hand from their importance in Romanian economy, from the fact that, on the results of negotiations held with EU ...
    • Efectul perlocuționar eficient și comuniunea fatică în textul literar din perioada comunistă 

      Necula, Gina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      Human communication is seen as a very complex reality. Bronislaw Malinowski is the one who identifies the phatic function of language as fundamental for understanding the communication principles. Among the first conclusions ...
    • Omotetii fractale în Memento Mori de M. Eminescu 

      Ifrim, Nicoleta (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      The fractal model identified by Mandelbrot’s branching process becomes relevant for Eminescu’s Memento mori by means of which the poetic form gains inner dynamism. Its final artistic effect lies in defining poetry as an ...
    • Presa ca istorie alternativă în Moromeții, de Marin Preda: Aplicații pe texte literare 

      Damian, Matei (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      The present study casts a few beams on the fact of press in the novel Moromeţii, by Marin Preda. We shall not limit ourselves to just narrating the commentaries on the newspaper information form Poiana lui Iocan (Iocan’s ...
    • Previzibil vs. imprevizibil în discursul publicitar 

      Cîrnu, Mihaela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      More than in any other type of communication, the advertising text cultivates the ludic, under its different aspects, at different levels, and, as it is the case with any game, there are predictable sequences but there ...
    • The Ec language policy and content-based learning in Romania 

      Cehan, Anca (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      Articolul este o sinteză a trăsăturilor caracteristice abordării studiului limbilor străine din perspectiva integrării conținutului şi a limbii. Această abordare este o soluţie interesantă pentru promovarea cunoașterii ...
    • Romanul românesc : Modele apusene și relevanța lor. Manoil, de Dimitrie Bolintineanu 

      Antofi, Simona (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      The novel appears and develops in the Romanian literature after the year 1848 through the assimilation of western models, especially those from the French literature and through the juxtaposition of elements belongong ...
    • K. Ishiguro's the remains of the day : Foregrounding and openness of meaning 

      Bontilă, Ruxandra (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      În cazul textului literar, reînnoirea dinamicii particularităților stilistice, așa numiții atractori (Stockwell, 2002), reprezintă cheia succesului în focalizarea atenţiei lectorului şi inhibarea defocalizării. Ceea ce ...
    • Stilul "Proverbial" 

      Bejan, Doina Marta (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      A proverb is, first of all, an act of language. The creation of the proverb-text is related to the existence of ’proverbial patterns’, which allows for the extension of their usage from the colloquial and familiar styles, ...
    • Ultraque lingua : Bilingvismul greco-latin şi implicaţiile sale 

      Paraschiv, Mihaela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006-01)
      This paper deals with an essential issue in the making of the European linguistic and conceptual community, namely, Latin and Greek bilingualism. First acknowledged by the Latin writers’ phrase utrasque lingua, the fusion ...
    • Body language : Somatic imagery in women's poetry 

      Necula, Lidia Mihaela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      Lucrarea de față își propune spre analiză trei tipuri de atitudini reprezentative ce pot fi identificate în poezia scrisă de poetese care explorează experiența corpului feminin asociindu-i trei tipuri de strategii verbale.
    • Humor und kategorisierung 

      Bourceanu, Raluca (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006-01)
      Categoarization errors or surprising categorizations which seemingly can or cannot logically represent categorization errors underlie the creation of humour. I start with the rendering of the idea of meaning in cognitive ...