Quality Concrete - Performing Concrete Plants

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Ionescu, Ștefania
Poiovici, Roza
Tont, Valentin
The buildings compositions quality, as well as resistance, stability and
durability imposed by the law 10/1995 depends by the quality of concrete
who should fulfil the conditions imposed by the Practical Code NE 012/99.
The ensurance of buildings compositions quality is influenced by the
preparing technology of the concrete.
The technical performances and characteristics of the concrete are
connected with the quality of the technological process, with the
achievement and testimony of the concrete components until his delivery.
Law 10/1995 refering to the ensurance of the buildings quality impose
severe conditions to the buildings quality impose severe conditions to the
concrete compositions, these could be respected only by using suitable
technologies and equipments.
These technologies and equipments should be competent seeing the raise of
the concrete building, the bettering of quality and raise of the concrete
- 2003 fascicula14 [17]