Cost Optimazation at the Worm Cutter Splinting

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Micu, Adrian
Simionescu, Cristian-Silviu
Daşchievici, Luiza
In order to get goods at the worm cutter splinting, an important method is to reduce
the energetical charging and the cinematic unevennesses. It is explain that the costs
are important to get a good price at the splinting process. During the splinting,
there are a lot of unevenness aspects, that can be classified in two categories : -
dynamic unevenness, regarding on the cutting edges charging during the splinting;
and cinematic unevenness, regarding on the tooth's generation principle. The paper
presents a method to determine the cinematic unevenness maximum value which is
the base for a further analise in order to reduce it.
- 2006 fascicula14 [22]