Dextrous Hand-Grasping Preshaping

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Starețu, Ionel
The research conducted in human grasping have emphasized three main phases: the
visual location of the target, when the object is analyzed an recognized, the reaching
phase of grasping, when the hand preshapes in order to prepare the “shape
matching” with the object to grasp, and the third which is the grasping phase. This
paper addresses the problem of developing a method that deals with the preshaping
phase of grasping and for that we present an indirect approach. For that it is used
an image processing algorithm for reconstructing the object that will be grasped
and a VR based grasping simulator for validating the stability of the grasp. The
result represents a strategy (preshaping and finger trajectories), needed for
grasping the object with a real gripper. An evaluation study was conducted
investigating the time needed to grasp an object using the presented approach
compared with other methods for generating a grasping strategy. The results have
shown a significant improvement regarding the time needed for grasping operations
on a real gripper.
- 2007 fascicula14 [24]