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dc.contributor.authorNăstac, Silviu-Marian
dc.identifier.issn1224 – 5615
dc.descriptionThe Annals of ''Dunarea de Jos'' University of Galati : Fascicle XIV MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN 1224 - 5615ro_RO
dc.description.abstractIn this paper the author use the physical and mathematical models for the antiseismic and antivibrational elastic systems and describe the dynamic behaviour of this systems, for the few types of the vital equipment - elastic systems - building ensemble configuration. Thus, it was put into the evidence the advantages of the moduling construction, which enable the best adaptation between the elastic sustain and insulate system configuration, and the real available conditions. The structure of the elastic system was imagined thus that, together with the rubber incorporated elements, it enable to obtain the higher values for the static and dynamic deformations and the small values for the eigen frequencies of the system. In this way, it was obtained the values for the isolation degree over the 90 ... 95%. The presented elastic insulation systems was developed by the Research Institute for Construction Equipment and Technologies - ICECON SA.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjectnumerical simulationsro_RO
dc.subjectspecial isolationro_RO
dc.subjectvibratory actionsro_RO
dc.titleNumerical Simulations of the Special Isolation Devices Against Vibratory Actionsro_RO

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