Some Considerations of using Virtual Reality in the Training Process Specific to Disciplines of Applied Mechanics

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Starețu, Ionel
In this paper, we first discuss issues regarding the training in mechanical design
using CAD software to develop the geometric model of the components, the
simulation possibilities of functioning in the case of the model developed, when it
may become part of a virtual setting. We present, in the second part of the paper, in
brief, the reasons for the introduction of virtual reality with immersion in the
processes of theoretical and practical training in mechanical disciplines. There are
some considerations on the methodological implications and we propose an
extension of the model Wegener. We describe a pilot station which is in progress to
test the use of virtual reality in the training activities concerned. We present the first
achievements in this direction namely, proper populating of the virtual setting,
interconnection of Cyber Glove gloves with the virtual setting and manipulating
virtual parts for visual observation and simple assembly operations.
- 2009 fascicula14 [22]