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dc.contributor.authorHauk, Niculai
dc.descriptionThe Annals of ''Dunarea de Jos'' University of Galati : Fascicle XIV : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN 1224 - 5615ro_RO
dc.description.abstractIt was in the frame of the „Restoration of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems complex, from Fundu Mare Island, part of the Small Wetland of Brăila - RAMSAR site 1074” project to look for solutions to improve the hydro schemes for lakes and related channels. These flow regimes are directly influenced by the flow regimes of the Danube arms surrounding the island. The main parameters of natural influence are Danube water levels and charge. The project proposes the construction of weirs which would improve water flow regimes in the island’s channels connected with the Danube. This paper shows how to optimize the construction of weirs on the basis of the analysis of the annual cyclic variation in the level of the Danube River.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjectwater technologyro_RO
dc.subjectDanube Riverro_RO
dc.subjectreference level of the waterro_RO
dc.titleA Statistical Analysis of the Danube Flow Regimes in Brăila Harbour Arearo_RO

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