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dc.contributor.authorHauk, Niculai
dc.descriptionThe Annals of ''Dunarea de Jos'' University of Galati : Fascicle XIV : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN 1224 - 5615ro_RO
dc.description.abstractNumerical simulation of the operation of hydraulic systems acting on hydraulic cylinderst is based on differential equations that describe the equilibrium of forces and the continuity of the flow rate. To simplify the calculations it is assumed that the pressures on hydraulic circuits on inlet and outlet are constant. This approximation is far from reality, especially in conditions of increasing the working speeds. This paper presents a possibility to eliminate this drawback. It is considered that the variable hydraulic flows admitted and discharged from the hydraulic cylinder, will create pressure drop on each of the various components of the hydraulic system. The pressure made by the hydraulic pump is dissipating on all hydraulic resistances and on the hydraulic cylinder piston. By integrating the system of differential equation, it is possible to determine the law of motion of the piston and, implicitly, the pressure drops across each component of the hydraulic system.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjecthydraulic cylindersro_RO
dc.subjecthydraulic excavatorro_RO
dc.titleThe Inclusion in the Calculation Schemws for Numerical Simulation of the Pressures Drop on Inlet and Outlet of Hydraulic circuitsro_RO

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