Electromagnetic Strip Mills' Driving Rollers Metallisation Advanced Technics

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Motoiu, Petra
Dumitrescu, Daniela
Fratila, Cornel
Trusca, Dacia
Afficher la notice complèteRésumé
The continuous increase of the applications of thermal sprayed coatings
together with the demand for layers having always more and more enhanced
performances and properties stimulates the research activity toward the
development of new coating materials and alloys.
To meet this goal, new complex alloys, based on the Fe, Si, B, Mo, Cu, W
system, are here considered, through the development of new and innovative
powders to be used, as powders directly or as a wire form, for thermal sprayed
coatings to improve wear and corrosion resistance, as well as thermal fatigue
properties of the electromagnetic strip mills' driving rollers, highlighting the
materials performances and attaining economical and environmental advantages.
- 2007 fascicula9 nr2 [28]