Mechanical Resistance as a Function of Local Properties

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Chiriță, George
Ștefănescu, Ioan
Soares, Delfim
Silva, Filipe
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The present study makes an estimation of an automotive engine piston
mechanical properties and fatigue life based on some characteristics of
metallurgical microstructure. Because it is intended to assess the properties in
specific locations of the component it is made a local microstructure approach. The
critical points of the engine piston were metallurgical analyzed (amount of phases
and SDAS) and these were related to ultimate tensile strength and fatigue life.
The conclusion of the work is that in an engine piston the mechanical and
fatigue properties are very dependent of local metallurgical properties (amount of
the eutectic phase). As a consequence the component may fail in an unexpected
area that may change the local assessment expected results.
- 2007 fascicula9 nr2 [28]