Mass Erosion and Material Transfer at the Deposition of Layers by Inverse Electroerosion

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Alexandru, Adrian
Huţanu, Marius
Iacob Strugaru, Sorin
Mostra tutti i dati dell'itemAbstract
The deposition and alloying of the superficial layers by inverse electroerosion
or by electric spark given by a vibrating electrode permits to obtain a large scale of
properties at the surface of metallic materials from tools, machines organs, electric
contacts, etc. During the inverse electroerosion, the evaporated and ionizated
material from electrode (+) under the influence of temperature and electric field, is
transferred and deposed on the surface of the part (-). The intensity of material
transfer depends on the parameters of the electrical discharge between electrodes,
on the time of work and on the nature of the electrodes. This paper work wants to
establish the type of evolution in time of the quantity of erodated material from
electrode and deposed on the surface of the part. The experimental results are in
accordance with the theory of the phenomena of erosion by temperature mixed with
the phenomena of massic erosion. The results show that the deposed mass increases
by the specific time of deposition until it reaches maxim value, then it decreases.
- 2008 fascicula9 nr1 [22]