Influence of the Chemical Composition on the Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Fliid Layer Nitriding Process
The main factors that influence the stainless steel behavior to the nitriding
process are: chemical composition, nitriding temperature, treatment time.
Researches have revealed that, with low temperature nitriding, the chemical
composition expressed directly by the alloying elements or indirectly by the
austenite or ratio ECr/ENi stability index decisively influences the characteristics of
the nitride layer. The high alloyed steels having over 50% alloying element and
high stability index S=30, produce a diffusion layer of a low nitrogen
concentration, below the saturation limit, and hardness less than 500 HV005. The
usual stainless steels CrNi, CrNiMo of low stability index S=17.5-24 at 500oC,
within the sensitive temperature range form high hardness combinations (1200-
1400 HV005) and at temperatures of 450oC under the sensitive range, diffusion
layers of high nitrogen concentrations close to the saturation limit, featuring high
hardness 1100-1200 HV005 and slightly lower depths, tens of microns.
- 2008 fascicula9 nr1 [22]