Nanostructured Surface for 38MoCrA109 Steel by Nitriding in Nitrogen Atmosphere and Yag;Nd Pulse Laser Activation

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Cazacu, Nelu
Pintilie, Cătălin
Dobrovici, Sorin
Bâclea, Adolf
Mostra tutti i dati dell'itemAbstract
YAG:Nd pulse laser is usually used for cutting and welding. The paper is based
by experiments using YAG:Nd pulse laser (KVANT 17-CIS made). Technological
modules were assembled for laser beam deviation and for relative sample moving to
manual controlled focused laser beam. In experiments was used a personal
computer with adequate program for x-y sample moving (stepper system) and
correlation with laser pulse. Steel sample (nitralloy steel) was fixed in nitriding
chamber in a nitrogen flow. Defocused, laser beam energy and nitrogen pressure
were modified. Hardness (HV5), macrostructure and microstructure were used for
surface properties investigations.
- 2008 fascicula9 nr2 [22]