Surface Hardening Over 38MoCrA109 Steel by Yag:Nd Pulse Laser

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Dobrovici, Sorin
Cazacu, Nelu
Sava, Liliana
Baclea, Adolf
Mostra tutti i dati dell'itemAbstract
Laser offers unique capabilities for high energy concentrations at small
surfaces. Factors that have influences over interactions between laser beam and
steel surfaces have very high control. Pulse laser YAG:Nd is usually used for
cutting and welding. Paper is based on hardening experiments using KVANT 17
(YAG:Nd) pulse laser over 38MoCrAl09 steel. Results were investigated by
hardness (HV5) macrographic and micrographic method.
- 2008 fascicula9 nr2 [22]