Influence of Ph galvanic Baths on the Nickel Deposits

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Poroch-Serițan, Maria
Gutt, Gheorghe
Severin, Traian
Bobu, Maria
The influence of pH on cathodic and anodic current efficiency, surface quality
and morphology of nickel deposit in the electrolyte solutions of the Watts bath type
was investigated. Cathodic current efficiency of nickel deposit is maximum for
electrolytic bath whose pH value is about 4 and decreases for an electrolytic bath
with a higher pH. The deposited thickness is a significant parameter because the
thickness determining may establish if the deposition corresponds to the destination
application deposition or not; and the measurements were made by non-destructive
physical methods. The properties of nickel deposits, brightness and hardness are
influenced by the pH of the bath electrolyte. The surface morphology of nickel
deposit was analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The results showed
that the structure of nickel deposits is influenced by pH of the bath. The pH
increasing causes structural changes on the deposits in fine to coarse, while the
electrodeposited nickel at pH 6.21 has a compact morphology with many cracks.
- 2009 fascicula9 nr2 [32]