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dc.contributor.authorDragomir, Ștefan
dc.contributor.authorBordei, Marian
dc.descriptionThe Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati Fascicle IX Metallurgy and Materials Science No. 1 - 2015, ISSN 1453 – 083Xro_RO
dc.description.abstractImproving the safety and health at work is important not only in terms of human view, in order to reduce possibilities of accident to workers, but also as a way to ensure the success and durability work for a worker in drilling for methane gas. Although considerable effort is undertaken, the number of working accidents and occupational diseases remains high. The cost that these involve for the society, businesses and individuals is high. Accidents at work can have a major financial impact. Some costs are evident, for example loss of production and revenue, or the number of working days lost by taking medical leave. This loss can be expressed easily in financial terms.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunarea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjectworker in drilling for methane gasro_RO
dc.subjectsafety workro_RO
dc.titleEvaluated Work System and Environmental Risk for a Worker in Drilling for Methane Gasro_RO

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