The Structural Design Improvement of a Twin-Hull Ship

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Presură, Adrian
Chirică, Ionel
Elena-Felicia, Beznea
The paper is focused on the strength analysis of the structure of twin-hull
ships, particularly a passenger catamaran. Catamarans have some advantages
against conventional monohulls: larger deck area and cargo volume, better
transverse stability and, in general, improved behavior in waves. But due to the
need of large open spaces, for passenger / car ferry ships and having as major
restriction the structure weight, one of the problems which arise during the
designing of the catamaran structure is the determination of the effectiveness of
deck structure. The Finite Element Method was used for examining the behavior of
different deck structure designs in order to determine the solution which meets
better designing criteria regarding allowable stress and deformations and total
weight. The results of this analysis show that, making a proper structural analysis
and using lightweight materials, important gains for ship owners and for
environment protection can be achieved
- 2015 fascicula9 nr2 [16]