Aspects Regarding the Widia Plates Behaviour Covered with TiN During the Cutting Process

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Gaita, Mihai
Bordei, Marian
The microscopic property that depends on the interfacial structure and on
the tension to which the interface is submitted is called adherence. The strong
connection in the interfacial area, low tension gradients, the absence of cracks
and of degradation in the course of time are properties that define a good
adherence at the layer-underlayer interface. The good adherence of the thin
layer to the underwear implies the non- deterioration in normal conditions or
while tensions application of the interfacial area. In order to establish the
degree of adherence of the tin titanium – nitride layers deposed on the widia
plates, there were researches made about the behaviour of the covered plates
during the cutting process. In this way the dependence between the durability
(T) of the widia plates and the cutting speed (v) was determined as a result of
- 2005 fascicula9 nr2 [22]