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dc.contributor.authorVida-Simiti, I.
dc.contributor.authorJumate, N.
dc.contributor.authorBolog, T.
dc.contributor.authorBatin, G.
dc.identifier.issn1453 – 083X
dc.descriptionThe Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati Fascicle IX Metallurgy and Materials Science ISSN 1453 – 083X. NR 2 – 2005ro_RO
dc.description.abstractPorous sample were fabricated by sintering of bronze ( Cu Sn10) with different particle size range. The paper investigates the influence of the particle size distribution, temperature and sintering time on the structural characteristics (porosity, pore size, dimensional changes) of the porous parts studied. A porous structure with small-sized pores and a uniform distribution of the pore sizes is obtained in conditions of a narrow range of particle size distribution, small size of the powder particles and optimal sintering parametersro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjectporous materialsro_RO
dc.subjectsintering materialsro_RO
dc.subjectbronze powdersro_RO
dc.titleExperimental Reaearch of Sintered Porous Materials of Bronze Powdersro_RO

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