Aspects Regarding the Traceability in Temperature Measurements

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Moroșanu, Andreea-Diana
Militaru, Mădălina Elena
Dumitru, Gabriel Marius
The traceability of national standards to a reference measurement is essential
to correctly translate the information about customer preferences described in
international standards as a prerequisite which exists for the design of goods that
comply with the expected characteristics.
The traceability of national and reference measurement standards to the
International System (S.I.) is achieved by: comparisons with the primary
measurement standards of other countries and periodic calibration with respect to
measurement standards of other international and national institutes of metrology,
whose traceability to the SI is already proven and widely recognized
This paper discusses how traceability is possible or it is ensured in
temperature measurements, by using measuring instruments that are traceable at
International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) [1].
- 2016 fascicula9 nr4 [10]