Afișează articolele 315-334 of 377

    • The Role and Efficiency of Internet Banking in Romania 

      Buhociu, Florin Marian; Vîrlănuță, Florina Oana; Moga, Liliana Mihaela ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2009-01)
      The electronic revolution in commerce is strongly affecting the performance of the economies. Banking over the internet has attracted increasing attention over the past several years from bankers and other financial ...
    • The role and the limits of the financial and economic analysis in modern economy 

      Maşca, Ema (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2005)
      One of Romania’s priorities for the fulfillment of the objectives generated by its accession to the European Union is to improve its business environment. As part of this objective we have presented the essential role of ...
    • The Role of Certification in the Brazilian Fruit Chain 

      Dorr, Andréa Cristina (Universitas Galatiensis, 2008-01)
      Concerns about food safety and standards in the developed countries, particularly in Europe and the United States have made certification inevitable for worldwide fruit producers who target such export markets. The fact ...
    • The Role of Enterprise Portals in Enterprise Integration 

      Rizescu, Gianina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)
      Today’s enterprises are moving business systems to the Internet - to connect people, business processes, and people to business processes in enterprise and across enterprise boundaries. The portal brings it all together: ...
    • The Role of Marketing in Adult Permanent Vocational Training in the Context of the Current 

      Colan, Geanina; PETCU, Claudia Anita (Universitas Galatiensis, 2009-06)
      vocational conversion of the working class. A change of views and mentality is desirable regarding vocational training, in the sense that people need to be more aware of the importance of permanent learning, more motivated ...
    • The Role of Ontologies for Designing Accounting Information Systems 

      Lupasc, Adrian; Lupasc, Ioana; Negoescu, Gheorghe (Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2010-01)
      The accounting ontologies were conceptualized as a framework for building accounting information systems in a shared data environment, within enterprises or between different enterprises. The model’s base feature was an ...
    • The Role of Public Relations in Social Responsibility of Romanian Enterprises 

      Cristache, Nicoleta (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The Excellence study has shown that public relations is an unique management function that helps an organisation interact with social and political components of its environment. These components make up the institutio ...
    • The Role of the Continuous Variables Indices in the Life -Testing Research 

      Opaiţ, Gabriela (Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics, 2012)
      The present research reflects the importance in statistics of the group indexes numbers which express the dynamic of the continuous variables. The purpose of this paper consists in reflecting increasing Mean Time in the ...
    • The Role of the Euro During and After Economical Crisis 

      Matei, Daniela (Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2010-01)
      The impact of the single currency on international capital markets has been one of the most abiding features of the euro’s historical development. In response to the global financial and economic crisis, governments ...
    • The role of the preventative management in the administration of Romanian organizations image 

      Cristache, Nicoleta (Editura Universităţii "Dunărea de Jos" Galaţi, 2005)
      The entire economic, political, and social Romanian environment is undergoing a process of quick transformation under the influence of some factors among which the most important are Romania’s process of integration into ...
    • The role of unemployment insurance during the economic and financial crisis 

      Sava,Anca-Stefania (Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2010-01)
      The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of unemployment insurance during recession. Firstly, it presents a brief literature review, according to which unemployment insurance works as a built-in stabilizer for the ...
    • Romania's Competitiveness and Competitive Position in Global Context 

      Neculiţă, Mihaela; Neculiţă, Valentin (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2012)
      Competitiveness increase has become a primordial framework of the social and economic development strategies of most world countries (mainly the most developed ones) over the last decades. The vigorous boost of the ...
    • Romanian Banking System Evolution and Basel II Requirements 

      Nicolau, Mihaela (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      Before 1989, Romanian Banking System was structured in the specific way of a centralized economy. Restructuring of the banking system took its first step at the end of 1990 when the newly- established bank, Banca Comercială ...
    • Romanian Pattern in Absorption and Management of European Structural Funds - A Critical Analysis - 

      Susanu, Monica (Universitas Galatiensis, 2008-01)
      The decisions in the cohesion policy have a significant impact upon the offer and supply, in a way that, under the influence of the multipliers, they constantly reconfigure the components of the internal consumption (such ...
    • Romanian Public Expenditures Policy during the Economic Crisis 

      Sava, Anca - Ştefania (Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2011-01)
    • Romanians’ Public Debts Saga 

      Susanu, Monica (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2010)
      By the end of 2009, a very cold breath of austerity was blowing from the European financial and banking system and thoroughly was touching every Member State’s economy, but only for some of them perspective of this severe ...
    • Romania’s Assent to the European Union – National Strategy 

      Hurjui, Ioan (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The historic context in which Romania’s steps regarding the assent into the communitarian structures are joined, can be placed under the sign of profound changes who interfered in the Romanian society after 1989 such as: ...
    • Romania’s Negotiations with European Union Regarding Agricultural Sector 

      Ionescu, Eduard (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      The importance of negotiations considering the agricultural and alimentary sectors results, from the one hand from their importance in Romanian economy, from the fact that, on the results of negotiations held with EU ...
    • Security Policies Approached by Value Analysis Concepts 

      Moga, Liliana Mihaela; Buhociu, Florin Marian; Vîrlănuță, Florina Oana (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      This paper intends to redefine the role of the end users of the Internet facilities, in the process of creation of more secure transactions on the Internet, in respect of their privacy. In this context, the purpose is ...
    • Simulation of an Economic Policy on Second Life Using a Conjunctural Analysis Approach 

      Janvier, Yrina ("Dunarea de Jos" of University of Galati, 2007-01)
      This paper intends to define an economic policy that does not compromise the coordination between the 4 main sectors of an economy: the real sector, the public sector, the exterior sector and the monetary sector. The ...