Afișează articolele 115-134 of 377

    • Elaboration of Marketing Strategies and Programs Through the Integration of the Sustainable Development’s Objectives 

      Micu, Adrian; Micu, Angela-Eliza; Cristache, Nicoleta; Totolici, Sofia ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2009-06)
      Simultaneously with the manifestation of the availability of the company/organization to include in its activities and politics objectives of sustainable development and social responsibility, concrete marketing steps ...
    • Elearning Technologies 

      Enache, Maria Cristina ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2009-01)
      When blogging tools first arrived in 1998, people asked “What’s a blog?” The word “blog” is a contraction of “Web log” and is used both as a noun as well as a verb. To blog is to write content to a blog. By design, ...
    • The eludation of a critic on the core-peripheriry model - the analytic solution 

      Puşcaciu, Viorica; Puşcaciu, Florin Dan (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2005)
      It has not passed a relatively long time since the article entitled ‘Increasing Returns and Economic Geography’ has been published, but along with the indisputable merit of author’s contribution, it is enforced the ...
    • Emotions Management within Organizations 

      Andrieș, Alina Maria (Universitas Galatiensis, 2009-06)
      Emotions management in organizations is meant to habilitate the employees in administrating the emotional resources aiming at the correct adaptation to the organizational environment and the necessities in the work ...
    • An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Fiscal Deficit and Inflation in Nigeria 

      Abubakar, Mika'ilu; Aliero, Haruna Mohammed; Umaru, Ali Danjumah (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      The implications of fiscal deficits on key macroeconomic variables have led to a large body of literature examining the question of whether economies with large and persistent fiscal deficits have high inflation rate. ...
    • The employee stock ownership plan 

      Micu, Angela Eliza; Micu, Adrian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2005)
      The market approach values a corporation by reference to market-derived pricing multiples extracted from actual sales of comparative companies or securities. The most common market approach business/stock valuation methods ...
    • Employees Misbehaviour: Formes, Causes and What Management Should do to Handle With 

      Lukacs, Edit; Negoescu, Gheorghe; David, Sofia ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2009-06)
      In many organizations there are employees who sabotage processes, steal company property, harass others, cheat the management or mislead customers. These misbehaviours of the employees are pervasive and costly. In the ...
    • The employment - productivity - salary relation, a condition for achieving long - term economic growth 

      Chirilă, Mihai (Editura Universităţii "Dunărea de Jos" Galaţi, 2005)
      The employment-productivity-salary correlation is essential towards setting up conditions for economic growth and lasting social stability. An influence exists from technological changes, current stage of economic ...
    • The Enterprise’ Performance in the Knowledge Based Society 

      Bărbuță-Mişu, Nicoleta (Universitas Galatiensis, 2008-01)
      As in the traditional enterprise, the performance of the enterprises in the knowledge based society is expressed through the same well-known financial indicators: return on equity, the profit margin, return on assets, ...
    • Entrepreneurial Phenomenon: Some Reasons for Career Choice Intentions 

      Toma, Simona Valeria; Chiriță, Mioara; Șarpe, Daniela (Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2011-07)
      Self‐employment and entrepreneurship become increasingly important in our modern economies. This paper tries to provide a timely, definitive and comprehensive overview of the field. The key issues addressed include the ...
    • Environmental Financial Accounting 

      Moisescu, Florentina; Mihai, Oana (Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)
      From a company’s perspective, there seem to be two underlying forces driving company interest in various kinds of environmental performance data that might be considered varieties of accounting. The first is a growing ...
    • Equalization of the Budget Incomes in the Administrative-Territorial Structures 

      Balalia, Nicolae; Afanase, Constantin (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2010)
      The research theme is important for the local economy and financial literature on local public finance. It is known that the tax base of the territories is quite uneven and providing quality public services is impossible ...
    • EU Regional Policy. Realities and Perspectives on the Absorption of European Funds 

      Neculiţă, Valentin; Neculiţă, Mihaela (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2012)
      EU expansion to 27 Member States has generate challenges in terms of its competitiveness and internal cohesion. The already existing disparities between the Member States and among their regions have deepened. These ...
    • EU Strategies and the Role of Education for Sustainable Development 

      Tureac, Cornelia Elena; Turtureanu, Anca Gabriela (Universitas Galatiensis, 2008-01)
      In June 2006 the European Union decided upon a new Strategy for Sustainable Development. Together with the Lisbon Strategy that was revised in 2005, there is now some coherence between the two strategies which had been ...
    • EU Strategy for Building a Knowledge-based Economy. Ambitious Targets vs. Effective Achievements 

      Epure, Dănuţ Tiberius; Nancu, Dorinela; Ionescu, Alexandra (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)
      In 2000 the European Union has developed the Lisbon strategy. This strategy designed the key elements for building a knowledge-based economy, using a deep analysis of the situation and developments in the EU compared to ...
    • European Administrative Cooperation in the Field of Taxation 

      Tudor, Florin (Europlus Galati, 2012-03)
      The operation of different taxation systems in EU member states appears to promote more increasingly the appearance of double taxation entailing fraud and tax evasion. The phenomenon is amplified by the remaining control ...
    • European integration, financial resources and the absorption of European funds in Central and Eastern European Countries 

      Neculiţă, Valentin; Şarpe, Daniela Ancuţa; Neculiţă, Mihaela (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)
      The regional integration has the purpose to enhance the income in the region, which may be achieved through getting higher economic results by using the production factors more efficiently, increasing their mobility and ...
    • The Evolution and the Effects of Bank Lending and Arrears in Romania 

      Vîrlănuță, Florina Oana; Nechita, Daniela (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      During the early stages of the economic crisis that hit Romania, significant imbalances occurred in all industries. Its effects had a more dramatic impact in the banking system; especially concerning bank lending which ...
    • The Evolution of Romania's Market Stability and Performance Indicators of the Life Insurance Sector 

      Florea Ianc, Maria Mirabela (2016)
      Evidently, life insurance helps to reduce the burden that weighs upon the state concerning social protection, leading to the release of resources for investment and provision of goods and essential public services (education, ...
    • Extension through analogy a useful method in the study of disparities 

      Puşcaciu, Florin Dan; Puşcaciu, Viorica (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)
      The method of extension through analogy is, in our view, useful for comparisons between miscellaneous economical indicators belonging to the same structure, also between indicators which belongs to various economical ...