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dc.contributor.authorMihăilescu, Mădălina-Elena
dc.descriptionAnnals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics Years XXII – no2/2016en_US
dc.description.abstractIn Romania, the process to reform the administration is a mere mirage, similar to a Morgana, endlessly debated upon but little attained, especially through the perspective of the aims set by all the actors entrusted with revolutionizing the public system, be them related to politics or not. In its attempt to join and later to become an integral part of the European Union, Romania has experienced several social and political stages that were characterized by the attempt, through various procedures, to bring to a common denominator our administration with the European ones which are obviously more efficient and closer to the real needs of citizens as well as to the process to bringing public interest to high standards by means of quality public services. The paper herein introduces the aims of two projects that have recently been carried out by The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration in its attempt to collaborated with all the other authorities and public institutions in order to reform administration, namely POCA and The Development of tools and territorial planning models for the support of the subsequent period of programmes post 2013, both aimed to adjust a part of those deep problems that affect to efficient operation of the public institutions.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galațien_US
dc.subjecteuropean fundsen_US
dc.titleHow the Projects Implemented by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration Have Impacted on the Strategies to Reform Public Administrationen_US

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