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dc.contributor.authorAndrieș, Alina Maria
dc.descriptionArticolul face parte din Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati, Fascicola de Economie si Informatica Aplicata, An XV, nr.1, vol.2/2009en_US
dc.description.abstractEmotions management in organizations is meant to habilitate the employees in administrating the emotional resources aiming at the correct adaptation to the organizational environment and the necessities in the work activity. The study of emotions in organizations has the purpose to know and optimize the employees’ emotional condition. The efficient leaders are interested in administrating the emotions, being aware of and capable to revaluate the factors which positively activate the employees emotional life. Emotions management is accomplished at two more important levels: personal level or subjective (represented by the person’s self-control capacity, the emotional intelligence, the ability to administrate the positive and negative emotions) and an interpersonal or social level, centered upon settling the emotional changes between employees and leaders, between employees and clients. From their settling into the practice point of view, the increase in the work performance and the benefits brought to the organizational environment, the concepts by which emotions management is accomplished/operate (positive emotions and negative emotions, emotional intelligence, emotional self-control, emotional labour etc.), this issue presents greater interest both for theorists and for the real doers/practitioners.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Galatiensisen_US
dc.titleEmotions Management within Organizationsen_US
dc.title.alternativeEmotii manageriale in cadrul organizationaleen_US

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