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dc.contributor.authorDEACONU, Alecxandrina
dc.contributor.authorRAŞCĂ, Lavinia
dc.descriptionArticolul face parte din Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati, Fascicola de Economie si Informatica Aplicata, An XV, nr.1, vol.2/2009en_US
dc.description.abstractThe concern for performance is a topic that raises interest in the business environment but also in other areas that – even if they seem distant from this world – are aware of, interested in or conditioned by the economy development. As individual performance is very much influenced by the human resource, we chose to analyze in this paper the mechanisms that generate – consciously or not –human error nowadays.Moreover, the extremely tense Romanian context, where failure is rather a rule than an exception, made us investigate the phenomenon of generating a human error and the ways to diminish its effects.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Galatiensisen_US
dc.subjecteroare umanaen_US
dc.subjectmanagement informationalen_US
dc.subjectproces informationalen_US
dc.subjectorganizare culturalaen_US
dc.titleHuman Error and Organizational Managementen_US
dc.title.alternativeEroare Umana si Management Organizationalen_US

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