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dc.contributor.authorParmacli, D.M.
dc.contributor.authorMyshkovetz, N.
dc.identifier.issn1584 - 0409
dc.descriptionArticolul face parte din Analele Universitatii"Dunarea de Jos" Galati: Fascicola de economie si informatica aplicata numarul1 din 2010en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article conducts a comparative analysis of land productivity by major agricultural crop types of the bordering territories in the Lower Danube Euroregion which comprise 196.3 thousand hectares of Romania, 105.1 thousand hectares of Ukraine, 142.2 thousand hectares of Moldova on average within the years of 2004-2007. It computes the level of use of land fertility potential by major types of crops, based on which the average index of land productivity use in the territories of the Lower Danube Euroregion (the Tulcea District of Romania, four districts of Ukraine, and five districts of Moldova) is designed.en_US
dc.publisherEditura Europlus Galaţien_US
dc.subjectEuroregiunea Dunareaen_US
dc.subjectterenuri agricoleen_US
dc.titleEffectiveness of agricultural land use in the lower Danube Euroregionen_US
dc.title.alternativeEficienta de a utiliza terenurile agricole din josul Euroregiunii Dunăreaen_US

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