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dc.contributor.authorMazilescu, Vasile
dc.identifier.issn1584 - 0409
dc.descriptionArticolul face parte din Analele Universitatii"Dunarea de Jos" Galati: Fascicola de economie si informatica aplicata numarul1 din 2010en_US
dc.description.abstractThe approximate reasoning is perceived as a derivation of new formulas with the corresponding temporal attributes, within a fuzzy theory defined by the fuzzy set of special axioms. For dynamic management applications, the reasoning is evolutionary because of unexpected events which may change the state of the expert system. In this kind of situations it is necessary to elaborate certain mechanisms in order to maintain the coherence of the obtained conclusions, to figure out their degree of reliability and the time domain for which these are true. These last aspects stand as possible further directions of development at a basic logic level. The purpose of this paper is to characterise an extended fuzzy logic system with modal operators, attained by incorporating the basic elements of a first-degree fuzzy logic and certain elements of temporal logic.en_US
dc.publisherEditura Europlus Galaţien_US
dc.subjectelemente de bazaen_US
dc.subjectaplicatii dinamice de managementen_US
dc.titleIncorporating the Basic Elements of a First-degree Fuzzy Logic and Certain Elments of Temporal Logic for Dynamic Management Applicationsen_US

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