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dc.contributor.authorAvrigeanu, Alina Florentina
dc.contributor.authorAnghel, Flavia Gabriela
dc.contributor.authorStanga, Elena
dc.contributor.authorGlavan, Bogdan Nicolae
dc.identifier.issn1584 - 0409
dc.descriptionArticolul face parte din Analele Universitătii "Dunărea de Jos" Galați: Fascicula I Economie si Informatică Aplicată din 2010en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we formulate possible strategies that may be made to improve the competitive position of companies must take into account the major strategic stakes, opportunities and threats in the environment but also their internal potential, and their ability to respond to challenges posed by change in external environment. By introducing the concepts of "strategic segmentation" and "strategic group" we develop a more accurate and realistic analysis of the competitive environment, highlighting the practical implications of this analysis. Thus, the use of Porter’s competitive forces model to analyze the competitive environment can be made with reference to competition within a strategic group.en_US
dc.publisherEditura Europlus Galaţien_US
dc.subjectsegment strategicen_US
dc.subjectstrategie de grupen_US
dc.subjectindustria textilaen_US
dc.subjectharta strategicaen_US
dc.titlePossibilities for Making the Concepts of "Strategic Segment" and "Strategic Group" Become Operational - A Case Study in the Clothing Industry in Romaniaen_US

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