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dc.contributor.authorOpaiţ, Gabriela
dc.descriptionAnnals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Fascicle I – 2010. Economics and Applied Informatics. Years XVI – no 2en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present research reflects the importance in statistics of the „Factors Path Method” (FPM), which provides modern techniques for the reflection of the factorial influences over of the variation in time or space presented by the phenomenons from economy. The purpose of this paper is the research of the shape concerning the model described through the road achieved by factors, with other words if the shape is an arc of curve or if the shape is a liner trend. Also, this paper presents how it uses „Factors Path Method” for to calculate what influence it had in relative sizes, respectively absolute sizes, the variation of nominal G.D.P., respectively the change of the level concerning actual G.D.P., over of the dynamic for the level of G.D.P. Prices Deflator for U.S.A., in 2006 face of 1996en_US
dc.publisher“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galatien_US
dc.subjectGross Domestic Product (GDP)en_US
dc.subjectFactor Path Method (FPM), influencesen_US
dc.titleStatistical Analysis through Factors Path Methoden_US

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