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dc.contributor.authorStefanescu, Razvan
dc.contributor.authorDumitru, Ramona
dc.descriptionAnnals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics Years XVII – no2/2011
dc.description.abstractThe relation between the foreign exchange markets and the stock markets is still a controversial subject in the specialized literature. Recent studies revealed the changes that occur in this relation during the financial crisis. In this paper we approach the interactions between the exchange rates and the differentials of the stock returns between Romania and the US in the period of the global crisis. We find some significant differences in this relations during the main stages of the crisis.
dc.publisherEditura Europlus Galaţien_US
dc.subjectratele de schimben_US
dc.subjectcriza globalaen_US
dc.subjectdifferentials of the stock returnsen_US
dc.subjectGranger causalityen_US
dc.titleInteractions between the Exchange Rates and the Differential of the Stock Returns between Romania and US during the Global Crisisen_US

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