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dc.contributor.authorCănănău, Nicolae
dc.contributor.authorGurău, Gheorghe
dc.contributor.authorAlexandru, Petrică
dc.contributor.authorCorobete, Gheorghe
dc.identifier.issn1453 – 083X
dc.descriptionThe Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati Fascicle IX Metallurgy and Materials Science ISSN 1453 – 083X. N0. 2 – 2006ro_RO
dc.description.abstractThe plastic deformation behavior is defined by the function of the deformation strength according to the strain, strain rate and temperature as the factor of the deformation process. The behavior law establishes by the experimental way, using the torsion test method. The paper shows the results of the researches for establishing of the equation of deformation behavior of steel destined of rolled wires for reinforced concrete.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjectplastic deformationro_RO
dc.subjectconcrete steelro_RO
dc.titleExperimental Equation of Deformation Behaviour of a Concrete Steelro_RO

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