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dc.contributor.authorCovrig, Andrei C.
dc.identifier.issn1584 - 0409
dc.descriptionArticolul face parte din Analele Universitătii "Dunărea de Jos" Galați: Fascicula I Economie si Informatică Aplicată din 2010en_US
dc.description.abstractTo achieve this CBA we use a series of specific steps and process documentation and references provided by the guide in preparation for submission of projects CBA as 125/FEADR/2010. The content of the cost-benefit analysis it is described in the document developed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ”Recommendations for developing cost-benefit analysis”. For a clear image of the situation described in the project we will try to analyze three scenarios. The method used in developing the financial analysis is ” discounted cash flow ”. The chosen project is an example, but the dates and figures are real.en_US
dc.publisherEditura Europlus Galaţien_US
dc.subjectanalize financiareen_US
dc.subjectdezvoltare ruralaen_US
dc.subjectanalize cost-beneficiuen_US
dc.subjectproiecte CBAen_US
dc.titleCost-benefit Analysis for Modernization the Agricultural Working Roadsen_US

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