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dc.contributor.authorNeculiţă, Valentin
dc.contributor.authorŞarpe, Daniela Ancuţa
dc.contributor.authorNeculiţă, Mihaela
dc.descriptionAnnals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informaticsen_US
dc.description.abstractThe regional integration has the purpose to enhance the income in the region, which may be achieved through getting higher economic results by using the production factors more efficiently, increasing their mobility and benefiting from the access to a comprehensive knowledge base. This paper aims to provide insights in European integration, financial resources and, absorption of European funds. The paper proposes an analysis of financial framework by means of data and statistics provided by European institution, national statistics institutions and international statistics institutions. The financial framework is a mechanism designed to ensure a strict budgetary discipline of the maximum spending cap for each major area of European Union budget. This mechanism is drawing on the basis of political and economic priorities. One of the main objectives should be the expenditure forecasting, annual budgets, so they be situated under overall cap, knowing that achieving long-term economic growth depends on the financial incentives that the European Union can sustainen_US
dc.publisher“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galatien_US
dc.subjectRegional integrationen_US
dc.subjectFinancial frameworken_US
dc.subjectFunds absorptionen_US
dc.titleEuropean integration, financial resources and the absorption of European funds in Central and Eastern European Countriesen_US

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