Afișează articolele 1552-1571 of 5827

    • Derivate de ordin superior, formula lui Taylor si aplicatii 

      BĂLUȚĂ (RADU), Ana Ștefania (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2023-09)
    • Descărcarea statică de coloană la domiciliu în scolioză 

      Gaberi, Mariana (Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2020-07-20)
    • Deschiderea procedurii de insolvență 

      PETREA, IONELA (Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2021-03-11)
    • Descoperiti depozitul digital ARTHRA! 

      Biblioteca, Compartimentul Referinte si cercetare bibliografica (2013-11-06)
    • Describing Function Method for PI-Fuzzy Controlled Systems Stability Analysis 

      Precup, Radu-Emil; Preitl, Ştefan ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2004)
      The paper proposes a global stability analysis method dedicated to fuzzy control systems containing Mamdani PI-fuzzy controllers with output integration to control SISO linear / linearized plants. The method is expressed ...
    • Descriptive Mining for the QSAR Problem 

      Dumitriu, Luminiţa; Crăciun, Marian; Segal, Cristina; Georgescu, Lucian ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2005)
      There are several approaches in trying to solve the Quantitative Structure-Activity (QSAR) problem. These approaches are based either on statistical methods or on predictive data mining using neural networks. Among the ...
    • Design and Flow Modelling of Ballast Tank in-Line Ejector 

      Dumitrache, Constantin; Comandar, Corneliu; Hnatiuc, Bogdan (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2016)
      The purpose of this paper is to present the stages of designing a water in-line ejector used for ballast tanks stripping operation. The design operation was performed using NX Siemens CAD and ANSYS 15 for computer fluid ...
    • Design Mechanism as Territorial Strategic Capability 

      Bleoju, Gianita; Fotache, Lacramioara (Universitas Galatiensis, 2009-06)
      The current exigencies that a territory must faced in order to its’ optimal positioning in future regional competition requires the ability to design the appropriate mechanism which better valorize the territory capability. ...
    • Design of a Fork Shaped Patch Antenna for Mimo Applications 

      Bhanu, Satya K.; Kumar, Praveen N.; Triveni, M. V. L.; Sekhara, V.; Babu, Jagadeesh K. (Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" din Galați, 2017)
      A compact Fork shaped patch antenna for tri-band applications with good bandwidth and isolation characteristics is presented in this paper. The proposed antenna resonates at the frequencies of 13.6 GHz, 15.5 GHz and 18.6 ...
    • Design of a New Type of Gas-Dynamic Disruptor Used to Neutralize Improvised Explosive Devices 

      Bălan, Vasile; Bordei, Marian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos' din Galați, 2016)
      The paper presents a type of recoilless disruptor developed according to the studies of two disruptors performance and shortcomings currently used DR2 and RICHMOND, respectively. In creating the new disruptor, there were ...
    • Design of an Energy Effcient Multiplier Using Complementary Energy Path Adiabatic Logic 

      Pittala, Suresh Kumar; Rani, A. Jhansi (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2017)
      The paper presents a new adiabatic multiplier circuit based on Complementary Energy Path Adiabatic Logic (CEPAL). The proposed multiplier consumes lesser power when compared to the conventional CMOS multiplier. The ...
    • Design of LCL Resonant Converter for Electrolyser 

      Chandrasekhar, P.; Rama Reddy, S. ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2010)
      An Electrolyser linked with a DC bus are analyzed and discussed in this paper. An electrolyser is a part of renewable energy system which generates hydrogen from water electrolysis. An LCL series parallel resonant converter ...
    • Designing a Modular Simulator for a Navigation Lock 

      Bărbulescu, Lucian-Florentin; Mînzu, Viorel ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2012)
      When building a simulator for an industrial installation, a divide and conquer approach can have very good results. This means that the original installation is divided into smaller components which are simulated independently ...
    • Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce 

      Bănică, Logica; Roşca, Doina (Editura Europlus Galaţi, 2010-01)
      In the actual context of developing digital services, the promotion of a system that manages multiple e-commerce sites can be extremely valuable in increasing the economic effects for the companies. This paper presents ...
    • Despre propozițiile cauzale coordonate 

      Cenac, Oana Magdalena (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007-01)
      This paper focuses a certain type of coordinate sentence, i.e. the causal clause. Our research proves that causality is expressed by subordinate clauses which either point the action in the main clause or suggest the cause ...

      Fenomenul concentraționar comunist, prin amploarea și intensitatea sa, a reușit să atingă cote nemaivăzute, în urma acțiunilor sale apărând primele victime: deținuții considerați „elementele dușmănoase” împotriva regimului ...
    • Deșeuri generate în cadrul L.B.C. Liberty Galați 

      Mardare, Cristian (Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2020-07)
    • Detailed Microcontroller Architecture Based on a Hardware Scheduler Engine and independent Pipeline Registers 

      Andrieș, Lucian; Găitan, Gheorghița (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2015)
      In the world of real time operating systems, task switching, communication between threads and synchronization are implemented in software. Some of the mechanisms used may introduce big latencies in task recurrence, task ...
    • Detectarea emoțiilor prin prelucrarea semnalelor EEG 

      Maxian, Sergiu (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2020-07-27)
      În lucrarea dată am înregistrat activitățile electrice a creierului folosind encefalografia,prescurtat EEG.Ce reprezintă înregistrarea semnalelor generade de celule cerebrale.EEG este măsurat cu ajutorul unor electrozi ...
    • Detectarea obiectelor de plastic care plutesc pe apă utilizând procesare de imagini video 

      Vatamanu, Andrei (2023-07-13)
      Acest proiect are ca scop să demonstreze cum tehnologia dezvoltată rapid, poate fi utilizată pentru a rezolva probleme practice. Utilizarea unui Raspberry Pi 4 și a unei camere web, poate fi o soluție accesibilă și eficientă ...